thirdspace project

Thirdspace Project is an invitation to build new understandings and connections to spaces and places through art. We aim to create ways of unlearning and relearning layered, heterogeneous, human, and more-than-human lived experiences to develop empathy and expand possibilities.

Thirdspace Project brings people with different knowledges, connections and experiences of a place together. We facilitate conversational artmaking between each other and more-than-human elements of a place.

‘Thirdspace’ is a term reverently borrowed from human geographer, Edward Soja. (see Soja’s Thirdspace)

Firstspace perspective is the ‘real’ material world

Secondspace perspective interprets the 'real' world through imagined representation

“Everything comes together in Thirdspace: subjectivity and objectivity, the abstract and the concrete, the real and the imagined, the knowable and the unimaginable, the repetitive and the differential, structure and agency, mind and body, consciousness and the unconscious, the disciplined and the transdisciplinary, everyday life and unending history” (Soja, 1996).

Soja, E.W., (1996) Thirdspace: Journeys to Los Angeles and other real-and-imagined places, Blackwell Publishing, p56